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Sunrise Medical Empulse R90 Powered Assist

Sunrise Medical Empulse R90 Powered Assist



Sunrise Medical Empulse R90 Powered Assist

The high-performance electric motor of the  Sunrise Medical Empulse R90 power assist extends a wheelchair user’s range by providing additional propulsion on inclines or when managing longer distances.

Attached centrally between the back wheels, allowing the overall dimensions of the wheelchair to remain compact. The ergonomic handle, light transport weight and auto-closing docking mechanism make the motor easy to attach. Award winning Red Dot Award 2022.


Moving around in a manual wheelchair requires great strength on the part of either the person in the wheelchair or their companion, especially on soft, uneven surfaces or on slopes/hills.

Sunrise Medicals Empulse R90 is an active wheelchair power assist system which makes it possible easily to retrofit many manufacturers wheelchairs with an electronic drive.

Thanks to its innovative construction, the device can be installed so that the motor is positioned centrally between the  wheels. It is thus situated directly beneath the user’s centre of mass, thereby minimising shear forces and making for easy manoeuvring and steering as well as turning on the spot while keeping the overall dimensions of the wheelchair compact.

The ergonomically designed handle of the Empulse R90, its low weight at 7.4 kg including the battery, and its sophisticated mounting concept with V-Lock docking mechanism make the appliance easy to use and straightforward to attach to the wheelchair.

Thanks to the quick-release battery for charging, the Empulse R90 is ready for use immediately.

. The user can customise driving parameters via the R90  Mobile app, which also displays an overview with information such as drive time, distance, average speed and battery level.

Contact us now for details



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