Jay 2 Cushion positioning
Sunrise Medical Jay 2 Cushion
A tried and tested cushion over many years
Offers Stability and positioning with skin integrity protection with jay Fluid.
Product Features:
- Firm base, anatomical well, femoral loading (Use Electric Kitched Knife to adapt)
- Carveable base for build-ups, cut outs and customisation ( See above)
- Jay Fluid Tripad for ischial immersion and envelopment
- Wide range of and postual support accessories - Pelvic Obiquity /Overfilled pads
- Two cover options - 3DX Microclimatic cover or incontinence cover.
Clinical Application:
- Client with high risk of skin breakdown and shear
- Designed for the client with symmetrical posture to aggressive postural needs that change over time ( Green Box Accessories)
- End Users unable to weight shift; limited postural stability and unable to reposition
- Always kneed the fluid daily to get the best results
- For Deep Immersion please consider Jay 2 Deep Contour
Jay 2 Cushion Dimensions
Width: 360mm - 610mm (36cm - 61cm)
Height: 76mm (7.6cm)
Depth: 410mm - 510mm (41cm - 51cm)
Total Weight: 5.4 kg
Maximum User Weight: 150 kg (23.6 stone)